Monday, October 29, 2007

My wife makes me do things

My wife tagged me for this thing, so here it is.

8 Things I'm Passionate About
My Wife
My Kid
Baking (yes, they're different, dammit!)

8 Things I Want To Do Before I Die
Win the lottery
Smack someone who's being really stupid, just because they're being stupid
Trip a kid that's running around screaming in the supermarket
Smack the parent of the kid that's running around screaming in the supermarket
Go to Thailand
Write a novel
Get my kid to actually do what I tell her to
and marry my wife.

8 Things I Say Often
Oh, look, it's the Cluster-Fuck Fairy!
The Cluster-Fuck Fairy showed up riding in the pocket of the Cluster-fuck Ogre riding the Cluster-Fuck Dragon (can you tell I love my job?)
They're what?!? Are they really that stupid?
Stupid. (when my wife asks me how work was)
I'll get right on that.
Don't hurt yourself, Princess! (not you, Prin!)
Why are you talking to me like I should care?

8 Books I've recently read
Harry Potter books 1-6
Hannibal by Thomas Harris
It by Stephen King

8 Songs That I could listen to over and over
Look Back In Anger by David Bowie
Andy Warhol by David Bowie
anything from Kiss' first four albums
Chemical Warfare by The Dead Kennedys
Monkey Suit by The Plasmatics
Aenima by Tool
Stereo by The Watchmen
I Lost My Job To Guy Named Gino by My Dog Popper

8 Things That Attract Me To My Friends
sense of humour
common interests
lack of prejudice

8 Things I Have Learned In This Past Year
starting a new business is hard
dwelling on the past can really fuck with your head
trying to figure out why your old friends will no longer talk to you will really fuck with your head
forgetting how important you are to your family is bad. Bad, bad, bad.
Apparently, I'm more important than money.
my kid is now officially a teenager.
I make really fucking good cheesecake!
My blood is the consistency of pudding (and it's a good thing, too!).

8 People who should do this meme
I don't know 8 bloggers who haven't already been tagged.

So there you have it.


Anonymous said...

Oh so I'm only just a teenager now?!?! wait is that a good thing? Maybe not I dont know... Hmm...

prin said...

I missed this one before. wtf?!

Baking. mmmm.... I can vouch for that. :D

You can smack me if I'm being really stupid. Just watch the nose. It's a drama queen.

*runs off to hurt myself*

Just kidding.:D